After a week of hiding in bookcases, under furniture, behind the computer, and in his cat condo, our new cat finally got brave and decided to venture out. Now he hangs out most of the day and will look out the window at the birds and meow a high pitched squeaky meow at us, especially when we open the fridge where his beloved canned food is kept. The best yet, he likes to hang out on our Poang chair, in the office with us. This was our old cat’s favorite chair too. I like to think that he is our old cat’s great-great-great-great-grandson because they are/were both all black with green eyes and they both came from the Northwest suburbs of Chicago. You never know. He’s really turning out to be a very sweet and friendly kitty. Maybe I’m not so bad of a judge of cats after all. 🙂
Author: Kathryn
Our Sweet Cat
Our sweet cat  died this past week. I’m still so sad. She was a great comfort to me over the years. She was the most unusal cat I ever met. She never hissed at or bit anyone. She was very friendly to anyone who visited. She let me pick her up and kiss her on the nose (my favorite thing). Also, everytime you touched her nose she would lick your finger. She was such a sweetheart. I can’t believe she’s gone. We were never sure exactly how old she was, but we got her as an adult in 1992 so she was at least 15, she could have been as old as 20, we just don’t know. If only cats lived as long as humans. I miss her so much.
Time to Rest
Our reception (it was a lot of fun and went by soooo fast!!!). It was a year and a half of planning the ceremony  and the reception  and now it’s done. Now what…some rest and hopefully time to work on creative stuff.
Tattoo (Illustration Friday)
Ok, I’m cheating AGAIN. This is an illustration that is heavily inspired by another tattoo I found online. I drew it and my husband colored it. We had it made into temporary tatoos that we are going to give to our guests at our wedding reception. So that’s why I haven’t posted much lately. I’m up to my elbows in wedding reception-o-rama.